人才派遣 招聘及灵活用工 人力资源服务外包 残障人才共建服务计划 外包服务 品牌代理服务
The general trend of enterprise on employment from the new economical age.
搭载全新公众号 ”成都职到“, 卡位灰领招聘市场, 特设 "残疾人招聘” 专栏,积极打造残陷人才特色就业服务试验田。 以传统网招与移动互联相结合的方式重新定义 ”互联网+招职" 的极式 , 顺应弹性用工、 零工经济、 灵活就业“ 新趋势,规划和设计适用千“灵活就业”群体的专属用工方案,实现就业、保防双闭环。 同时,强化就业者就业灵活性, 通过临时性、 非全日制、 季节性等灵活就业方式实现就业;优化企业用工方式, 使用 “标准、 非标、 雇佣关系、 经营合作关系” 等多元化用工投式, 降低企业用工成本。
Equipped with a new official account "Chengdu Job ", a gray-collar recruitment market, and a special column "Recruitment for the Disabled", actively creating a pilot field for disabled talents' special employment services. Redefine the extreme form of "Internet + Recruitment" by combining traditional online recruitment and mobile internet, and comply with it. The new trend of “flexible employment, the economy, and flexible employment” is to plan and design exclusive employment plans suitable for thousands of “flexible employment” groups to achieve a closed loop of employment and protection. At the same time, the employment flexibility of employees shall be strengthened through temporary and non-regular employment. Full-time, seasonal and other flexible employment methods are used to achieve employment; the company optimizes the employment style of enterprises, and uses diversified employment investment methods such as “standard, non-standard, employment relationship, and moss cooperative relationship” to reduce enterprise labor costs.
  • 灵活用工



  • 招聘/猎头——让人才触手可及




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